Friday, 5 April 2019


  1. Birmingham is in the centre of England.
  2. Gordon Cowans doesn't play for Aston Villa.
  3. Scott Bridges is one of Aston Villa´s best young players.
  4. Aston Villa started in 1888.
  5. They haven't won a big championship for 25 years. 
  6.  Gordon Cowens has been the coach of the Villa Youth team since 1999.
  7. There are over 43,000 seats in Villa park.  
  8.  Gordon´s ambition is to play for his country in the World.
  9. Gordon Cowens played for Aston Villa since he was 14 years old.
  10. Sccott Bridge played since he was five years old.

Monday, 1 April 2019